Discover, connect, and take action as you develop leadership skills at camp and beyond.
Be the voice of more than 6,000 girls throughout Central Virginia!
APPLYThe Older Girl Advisory Group (OGAG) was created to provide an opportunity for older Girl Scouts to further develop their leadership skills and represent girls at Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
As an OGAG Girl, you're encouraged to share your creative ideas, your passion for Girl Scouts, and to ensure that Girl Scout programs are what today's girls want and need.
You’ll love being part of the OGAG if you:
· Are ready to take your leadership skills to the next level.
· Want to have an active role in Girl Scouting and help shape what it looks like for other girls.
· Are passionate about Girl Scouts.
· Want to connect with other older girls from our Council.
OGAG applications open every August and girls are selected by October 1st.
Girl Scouts in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade who participate in the counselor in training program during summer resident camp.
REGISTERCounselors in training or CIT’s are Girl Scouts in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade who participate in the counselor in training program during summer resident camp.
CIT 1:
In this first level of CIT training, Girl Scouts in 10th -12th grade establish the leadership and outdoor skills needed to be a camp counselor. Work with others to analyze what makes a good leader and participate in fun and challenging group games. Challenge yourself physically and mentally, then identify which traits you possess that can make you a positive leader. Participants have opportunities to practice leading activities with younger campers and shadow staff members as well as participate in traditional camp programming. (Two week program).
This is the second level of CIT training, for Girl Scouts 11th grade through Freshman year of College who have completed CIT 1, focuses on skills needed to work with youth at camp. Learn behaviors to expect from campers, how to manage them, and how to work as a team with all staff. In addition to building your skills working with campers, you will learn more about the operations of camp. After completing your two weeks of the CIT 2 program, CIT2s will have the chance to return for additional weeks and continue hands-on practice of new skills. (Two week program).
Older Girl Scouts (Cadette through Ambassador) who have completed Program Aid or CIT training and support Council sponsored activities.
SIGN UPThe Green Aid Brigade also known as the GAB’s are a team of older Girl Scouts (Cadette through Ambassador) who have completed Program Aid or CIT training and support Council sponsored activities. It could be volunteering to lead activities at recruitment, helping to assemble cookie packets or helping out at an event at camp. GABs are needed in all regions of the Council and can earn community service hours through their participation. If you would like more information on how to become a GAB please contact our help desk at [email protected].