You can absolutely join Girl Scouts by yourself. This type of membership is known as an Individually Registered Member (IRM). Individually registered members are also known as Juliettes, named after our founder, Juliette Gordon Low. Juliettes choose how to participate based on their schedule and interests.
Joining as a Juliette is great for Girl Scouts without a troop available nearby or who want to enjoy Girl Scout programming with their family. They can get started right away by earning badges independently or attending events to meet other Girl Scouts in their area.
Girl Scout Juliettes are individually registered Girl Scouts, who choose not to participate in the troop format, but still have access to a robust offering of Girl Scout experiences and opportunities. Juliettes are active, independent, self-confident girls who want to be part of something larger – Girl Scouts! Juliettes is Girl Scouting custom-made for any girl! It’s a great way to take the lead in the Girl Scout experience and pursue activities that match individual interests and schedule.
There are many ways to have fun and explore the world in Girl Scouts. It all depends on what each girl is interested in; earn badges while experimenting with science in the outdoors, make new friends at summer camp, travel, explore interests through series and events and learn what it takes to run a business in our Cookie Program. Every Girl Scout has opportunities to build skills and confidence in STEM, the outdoors, Life Skills, and Entrepreneurship – the pillars of the Girl Scout leadership Experience.
As a Juliette, girls work on Girl Scout programs with a parent or other adult mentor. Each girl decides what activities to participate in and which awards she wants to earn.
Her Best Year Yet
During the course of a Girl Scout year, Juliettes will participate in a variety of activities. Girl Scouts is girl led. Girls supported by their parent, work to set goals and make plans to do the things they’re most interested in.
Activities might include:
Badge or Journey earning activities
Girl Scout awards and badges are a great way for girls to
explore their interests and learn new skills—and to remember every adventure by proudly wearing them on their uniforms as they show the world what they’ve accomplished.
Fall Product & Girl Scout Cookie Program
In addition to honing entrepreneurial skills Juliettes have the opportunity to set goals and earn start-up funds for Girl Scout activities, community service, or take action projects.
Girls learn by doing and getting out into the world around them. Outings might include visiting a business, going on a camp-out and hike, or even practicing life skills at a restaurant.
In Girl Scouting, travel presents girls the opportunity to learn about themselves, other cultures, new places, and the outdoors as they prepare, plan, and budget for their trip.
A weekend or week at Camp Pamunkey Ridge or Camp Kitty
Our year-round adventure program is better than ever with exciting activities to fit everyone’s schedules and interests. Girls can select from themed weekend or day events that include traditional Girl Scout camp activities, like archery, canoeing, hiking, and more.
Community Service and Take Action Projects Whether it’s through planting a garden, painting a mural, or launching a letter-writing campaign, she’ll make the world a better place.
Bridging Events
When Girl Scouts advance to the next Girl Scout level, they cross a bridge to symbolize a connection between her past Girl Scout experience and her future Girl Scout adventures.
Creating your own path, discovering your strengths, exploring new possibilities. It’s all waiting for you.